Modern paintings & drawings

AUDAP & Associés, assisted by its experts, organizes auctions dedicated to Modern & Contemporary artists several times a year.

Drawings, prints and paintings fascinate amateurs and collectors, eager to acquire works created by these masters from impressionism, the avant-gardes and contemporary schools. Among them, let us cite Henri MATISSE, Pablo PICASSO, Wassily KANDINSKY, Pierre SOULAGE, Zao WOU-KI, who marked their era and influenced new generations.

Auctions are also an opportunity to highlight certain artists, during workshop sales, such as the one dedicated to Jean-Louis PAGUENAUD (1876-1952), painter of the Air and the Navy on April 17, 2023. The enthusiasm aroused by the captivating world of the painter-traveler seduced bidders, giving rise to the three highest bids ever obtained for this artist, notably a formidable Paysage indochinois (triptych), sold for €72.128.


Some great recent auctions:

  • Zao WOU-KI (1921-2013), 9.9.70, oil on canvas, signed lower right, countersigned on the back and dated 9.9.70 - €302.520 March 29, 2022,
  • Francis PICABIA (1879-1953), Effet de soleil en bord de mer à Fuentarrabia, oil on canvas, signed and dated 1907 - €128.000 on November 28, 2023,
  • Constantin KOROVINE (1861-1939), Nature morte au panier de fruits, oil on canvas, signed lower left - €180.320 on April 28, 2021,
  • Gustave CARIOT (1872-1950), La Rade, Perros-Guirec, oil on canvas, signed lower left and dated 1908 - €51.260 on April 21, 2023,
  • Jean-Louis PAGUENAUD (1876-1952), Temple d’Angkor Vat – Cambodge, circa 1931, oil on panel - €66.970 on April 21, 2023,
  • Jean-Michel ATLAN (1913-1960), Sans titre, oil on canvas, signed lower left and dated 59 - €71.170 November 23, 2023,
  • Paul SIGNAC (1863-1935), Samois, L’Ecluse, Watercolor and pencil on paper, signed, titled and dated 1900 lower right, executed in 1900 - €46.360 on March 29, 2022.


December 2020
Antique Paintings, Furniture & Works of Art

Antique Paintings, Furniture & Works of Art

Thursday 10 December 2020 at 14h00
Vente Live - Audap & Associés - Salle Tour-Maubourg - 25 bd de La Tour-Maubourg 75007
November 2020
[CONFIRMED] Modern Paintings - Decorative Arts of the 20th Century -  (MAINTAINED - LIVE ONLY)

[CONFIRMED] Modern Paintings - Decorative Arts of the 20th Century - (MAINTAINED - LIVE ONLY)

Tuesday 17 November 2020 at 14h00
Vente Live - Audap & Associés - Salle Tour-Maubourg - 25 bd de La Tour-Maubourg 75007
June 2020
Dessins & Tableaux Anciens, Extrême-Orient - Mobilier & Objets d'Art

Dessins & Tableaux Anciens, Extrême-Orient - Mobilier & Objets d'Art

Friday 26 June 2020 at 14h00
Vente Live - Audap & Associés - Salle Tour-Maubourg - 25 bd de La Tour-Maubourg 75007
May 2020


7 MAI 2020
VENTE LIVE A HUIS CLOS - SALE ON INTERNET ONLY - Audap & Associés , 25, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg 75007 Paris
Sort by year 2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019
November 2020
[CONFIRMED] Modern Paintings - Decorative Arts of the 20th Century -  (MAINTAINED - LIVE ONLY)

[CONFIRMED] Modern Paintings - Decorative Arts of the 20th Century - (MAINTAINED - LIVE ONLY)

Tuesday 17 November 2020 at 14h00
Vente Live - Audap & Associés - Salle Tour-Maubourg - 25 bd de La Tour-Maubourg 75007
June 2020
Dessins & Tableaux Anciens, Extrême-Orient - Mobilier & Objets d'Art

Dessins & Tableaux Anciens, Extrême-Orient - Mobilier & Objets d'Art

Friday 26 June 2020 at 14h00
Vente Live - Audap & Associés - Salle Tour-Maubourg - 25 bd de La Tour-Maubourg 75007
May 2020


7 MAI 2020
VENTE LIVE A HUIS CLOS - SALE ON INTERNET ONLY - Audap & Associés , 25, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg 75007 Paris

Outstanding bids